Snow White Turns Sixty | Voice & Piano | 30'
Performance scores of Snow White Turns Sixty are available for free, for high voice & piano or low voice & piano. This piece may be performed in single- or multi-movement excerpts.
Snow White Turns Sixty is 30-minute set of twelve retellings of traditional fairy tales. Some are modern updates; some are twisted reinterpretations. Collectively, the songs retell traditional fairy tales in provocative, gory, humorous, dark, violent, joyful, and ultimately liberating ways, as each character discovers a new and previously untold facet of her particular story. All use texts by contemporary female poets, including Jeanne Marie Beaumont, Barbara Crooker, Annie Finch, Kathleen Jesme, Julie Kane, Katharyn Howd Machan, Eileen Moeller, Eve Rifkah, and Diane Thiel.
The complete set of songs was premiered as a staged production by the Chamber Opera of USC (COUSC). Three songs from the set have also been arranged in a chamber ensemble suite.
The complete set of twelve Snow White Turns Sixty songs is available in dual arrangements for either high voice & piano or low voice & piano and is featured on Snow White Turns Sixty, an album featuring soprano Gillian Hollis.
1. Snow White Turns Sixty
2. Where’s Wolf?
3. Afraid to Look Afraid to Look Away
4. Gretel
5. Rapunzel after her marriage
6. The Mermaid Story
7. For the Nixie
8. Bluebeard’s Wife
9. Sleeping Beauty
10. Hazel Tells Laverne
11. Masquerade
12. Kinder- und Hausmarchen